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California wage and hour litigation, orange county, Riverside Welcome to United Employees Law Group


Our California Class Action Attorneys:
A Proven Record of Success in Overtime and Wage and Hour Litigation

All California labor law attorneys are not created equal. At United Employees Law Group our clients enjoy the advantage of our experience not only as California overtime law attorneys, but also as California class action attorneys focusing in the area of overtime law. This level of sophistication and experience is critical when striving to obtain the greatest recoveries for our clients.

The California labor attorneys at United Employees Law Group are dedicated to representing employees whose wages have been adversely affected by corporate greed and corruption. There has been an increasing number of California wage and hour litigation cases filed on behalf of California employees.

Certainly, as the economy has become more uncertain, many employers have decided to cut costs. When this occurs, it is common for our California labor law attorneys to witness abuse of employees' wages and this is when our CA labor law attorneys get involved. Our California class action attorneys find themselves in cases involving even the most prominent companies who are fundamentally abusing the California labor laws and particularly the California overtime laws. Even though these CA overtime laws were designed specifically to protect employees from such wage and hour violations, our California class action attorneys find widespread abuses occurring not only with small employers but even the largest and presumably most well informed California employers.

As California class action attorneys, we have succeeded in recovering millions of dollars in unpaid wages for our clients. Our California wage and hour attorneys have represented hundreds of California employees in the recovery of overtime pay and related wage claims.

Our California Labor Law Attorneys:
When You Need a Firm Experienced in Overtime and Wage Violations
California wage and hour litigation is complex and ever changing. A California labor attorney is faced with the challenge of staying abreast of new court decisions, and new statutes. This challenge makes it especially difficult for some California labor attorneys who attempt to practice in many areas of California labor law simultaneously. The California labor law attorneys at United Employees Law Group focus almost exclusively on California wage and hour litigation, California wage class actions and California labor class actions.

Our California labor law attorneys assist clients from diverse employment backgrounds, from salespeople to computer programmers, to construction workers who are attempting to recover overtime wages or payment for missed meal and break periods, or reimbursable expenses. Our California labor attorneys, regardless of the type of employee they represent, approach every case as if it is their only case. While many labor attorneys in California attempt to represent their clients diligently, the difference many times, comes down to experience. California overtime law attorneys who focus specifically on the area of California overtime laws not only finely sharpen their skills through repetition, but are frequently faced with more complex overtime claims, and as a result, their clients benefit from this broader base of knowledge and experience.

California employment attorneys who focus on other areas of labor law such as discrimination or harassment may not be as experienced in the area of California overtime law, and as such they must divide their time.

Why Our California Labor Law Attorneys:
Ready to Assist Individual or Class Action Claims on a Contingency Basis
At United Employees Law Group, our California labor law attorneys bring both passion and expertise to the table. Whether justice is achieved through an individual client case or a California wage class action, all our clients can rely on our solid, experienced California labor law attorneys and CA overtime attorneys to achieve the best possible results.

When conducting your free evaluation, our labor attorney will determine whether your claim should be handled as an individual case or a California wage and hour class action. Regardless of the type of wage claim you may have, you can be assured that your case will receive the utmost care and precision.

If we accept your case, then our law firm will advance all relevant costs and expenses without any “out of pocket” expenses incurred by you. All our cases are accepted on this contingency fee basis, so you will pay nothing unless we actually prevail and collect for you! A California labor law attorney is ready to help you with a free case evaluation today.

Submit Information Below or Contact Us at (888) 474-7242
  * Denotes a Required Field

I have worked in California within the last 4 years. *

I worked more than 8 hrs per day or 40 hrs per week without receiving overtime pay. *

I still work for this company.

The number of employees with your job title that work for this company in California.

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California class action attorneys, Los Angeles, San Diego
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