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Meals and Breaks | Expense Reimbursements l Salesperson Exemption l Computer Software Exemption l Other Exemptions l Resources
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California class action lawyers, Los Angeles, San Diego             About Our Law Firm

  United Employees Law Group was founded with the idea that both the individual employee as well as large groups of employees, deserve high quality legal representation from both our California employment lawyers and our California class action lawyers.

“The people's good is the highest law.” -- Cicero

We will attempt to make your experience with our California class action and employment lawyers the best possible. Some of the advantages that our clients enjoy are:
  • Experience: The level of sophistication and experience that our California class action lawyers bring in handling complex cases is also used when our California labor lawyers handle an individual case. The majority of our labor lawyers have significant trial experience. Unlike many California overtime law firms, our firm is willing to take every case to trial and this reputation is becoming more and more known amongst opposing employment labor lawyers. With the benefit of litigating numerous California labor law class actions, our CA overtime lawyers and California class action lawyers transfer this experience to representing individual employees in the recovery of their wages and other related claims.
  • Dedication: Our California overtime lawyers are constantly researching new cases and reviewing statutes and legal theories in order to obtain the largest recoveries for our clients.
  • Innovation:  Our California labor lawyers have developed “cutting edge” litigation strategies to attempt to bring cases to conclusion in the shortest possible time. With the implementation of recent technologies, our California labor lawyers are able to access client files, data, and emails from remote locations giving them the edge in communication over other labor law lawyers in California.
  • Strategy:  Through not only the California labor law class actions that we litigate, but also the numerous individual cases we handle on a daily basis, our California overtime lawyers have developed a body of knowledge and sophisticated legal strategies to bring California employers to the “negotiating table” sooner rather than later. While every employer and the labor lawyers that represent them do differ, if a case can be settled, it will be. And if not, our labor lawyers are willing and able to bring the case to trial.

Unlike many labor law lawyers in California, United Employees Law Group focuses primarily on overtime pay issues, meal and break periods, and reimbursable expenses. Other employment labor lawyers tend to diversify their law practices and “try a little of everything.” We feel that by focusing on overtime law and related issues, our California overtime law firm has the advantage over not only other California employment lawyers who represent employees, but also California labor lawyers representing employers.

In handling individual cases, our California employment lawyers are fortunate to have access to the pleadings, and law and motion work products that have been generated from our California class action lawyers. We feel this information gives us a distinct advantage over other CA overtime lawyers.

We approach every case like it is our only case. When choosing a California overtime lawyer, you should evaluate not only the relevant legal experience, but also whether or not the California overtime law firm you are considering has the passion and desire to obtain the best possible results for you.

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I have worked in California within the last 4 years. *

I worked more than 8 hrs per day or 40 hrs per week without receiving overtime pay. *

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